
Starrport Corp is developing their first contacts and projects in airport realisation. Freed Schmitter, Non-executive Director, attended in 2006 the ATAG Aviation & Environment Summit in Geneva with Jim Starry, and later the ICAO Montreal Conference on 'Safe, Secure and Sustainable Air Transport'. In 2007, Mr. Schmitter took Emile van Essen to the EVIRO.AERO meeting (in Geneva), and he visited the Colloquium on Aviation Emissions at ICAO in Montreal. Due to these meetings and many other initatives, and especially due to Jim Starry's decades-long promotion, widespread publications and numerous presentations, Starrport became well-known and has established contacts with many various stakeholders around the world.

GENERAL New International Airport: Investment Cost ca. € 3B,
Starrport ca. 2 billion.  Payback time:   2 / 0,9* = 2,2 year ! = ROI 45%.

* = € 0,9 Billion (900 million) Kerosene savings at 45 million passengers plus cargo flights yearly - equals here 1.250 flights a day.

ROI AT 30% OM:

€ 0,6B Own Means and € 1,4B Bancary Means at 6% = € 84M Interest
Savings = 900 mio - 84 mio = 816 mio

Payback time: 2 / 0,816 = 2,5 year = ROI TM** 41%.

** ROI TM = Return On Investment Total Means

816 / 600 = 136% ROI on Own Means = Payback time 270 days (9 months).





Document about savings, airports, flights, and financial links: Eco/no/lo/gical text in .doc 


Future request of ACI to be involved in the development of 48 airports.

The Netherlands

Development of Lelystad Charter Airport for yearly 2.500.000 to 4.000.000 passengers ( 6% to 9% of the year 2005 Schiphol - Amsterdam - passengers). 75 to 120 flights per dag.

Potential yearly kerosene and CO2 emission savings: 90 to 145 million liter kerosene and € 50 to € 80 million cost savings .

The Dutch government is planning a € 25 ECOTAX per flight ticket, which gives much commotion in the press*. We sent to the APD - Algemene Persdienst - the following Press Bulletin (in Dutch):


Geen € 25 ecotax*, maar € 20 toe dankzij Starrport

13 sep 2007 - De plannen van het kabinet om het vliegverkeer te belasten met een ecotax van ca. € 25 per vlucht zijn niet nodig dankzij een revolutionair vliegveldconcept van de amerikaanse uitvinder Jim Starry. De door hem Starrport genaamde luchthaven is veel compacter als het Schiphol-model. De start- en landingsbanen zijn  met een helling aangelegd. Een 400 ton zware Jumbo landt en remt zichzelf door de zwaartekracht, wat 1.200 liter brandstof bespaart. De terminal bevindt zich direct aan / onder het einde van de landingsbaan. Het extreem milieuvervuilende taxiën is daardoor niet nodig, normaal gaat daarvoor 1.600 liter kerosene halfverbrand de lucht in. 

De passagiers kunnen in ongekend korte tijd in of uit het vliegtuig stappen, veiligheidschecks worden direct in de lifts uitgevoerd. Om te starten rollen de vliegtuigen de 1-4% helling naar beneden voordat ze met veel minder geluid als anders en met een verdere besparing van 1.200 liter brandstof het luchtruim kiezen. In Schiphol starten en landen zo’n 1.250 vliegtuigen per dag. Dit maakt een vermindering van 1,6 miljard liter kerosene per jaar mogelijk, wat gelijk staat met 900 miljoen Euro! Omgerekend is dit ca.12 % van de totale brandstofkosten. Het aanleg van een Starrport levert 20.000 manuren gedurende drie jaren op.

We hebben uitgerekend dat de brandstofbesparing neerkomt op € 20,- per gemiddeld vliegticket. Let op, tegenover de niet te heffen ecotax is dat een verschil van € 45 per persoon. Zonder de gigantische tijdbesparingen voor passagiers meegerekend die bij een Starrport gerealiseerd kunnen worden. Uiteraard zal het vliegverkeer op korte afstand ontmoedigd dienen te worden en vervangen worden door een efficiënt grondverkeer.

Nog beseft de mens maar half wat de echte schade van de verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen is. Kerosene bevat ca. 180 schadelijke stoffen waaronder CO2, die vooral tijdens het afremmen, taxiën en opstijgen vrijkomen als de motoren een extreme belasting of een onvolledige verbranding te verwerken hebben. De CO2 uitstoot bij een normale landing is ca. 80.000 m3, bij Starrport is dit slechts de helft. Zie ook

Voor contact:
Guido Hoogenboom - Public Relations - Tel./fax 0320 260 794;
Emile van Essen - Techniek en Economie - Tel. 030 785 0 395, 06 4134 6180;
Freed Schmitter - Millieuadvies - Tel./fax 020 6839 606, 06 2425 3572;
StarrportCorp, p/a Recyclus
Postbus 63123, 1005 LC Amsterdam

(End of press bulletin)

* The Newspapers about this issue:
1.ElsevierFiscaal | Nieuws | Belasting-op-vliegtickets-kost-economie ...
2. Extra belasting op vliegticket in strijd met luchtvaartrecht ...
3. - ANP-nieuws-Thema - 'Vliegticketsheffing levert amper ...
4. Vlieg er eens uit, met Ecotax
5. Reisrevue | Het grootste reisvakblad van Nederland | Managementnieuws
6. Ecotax Schiphol - Airwork - Piloten Bulletin Board
7. Belasting op vliegtickets gaat gewoon door
8. Luchtvaartnieuws: dagelijks actueel luchtvaartnieuws

Schiphol data:

New airport design for AMS Shiphol:


Or at the alternative location Lelystad wiht high capacity:


By 2025, the global air traffic will double. Starrport Corp expects 50 to 70% more international traffic in The Nethelands. If the Amsterdam air traffic grows with 40% (Change 2% per year), Schiphol will transfer 62 million passengers in 2025, and Starrport can save 2,2 billion liters kerosene**.

AMS Schiphol Group is aiming (planning to become) the largest international airport in the world, which indicates that they would surpass Atlanta Airport (ATL) with 85 million passengers in 2005 and possibly 170 million in 2025. Since the capacity at AMS is already at the brim, new dependance with large capacity are likely.

** Air transport kerosene price trend:
1. When kerosene becomes scarce …
2. Crude Oil Price Forecast
3. Measures for a sustainable energy supply in the field of mobility
4. Oil Prices Adjusted for Inflation

oilprice forcast


In communication with the office of the President of Ecuador.

PICNIC Green Challenge - Starrport applicaton


Sept. 30 – Report of our participation to the Picnic Green Challenge ‘07 at Amsterdam.
In 2007, the first PICNIC Green Challenge was organized. The world-wide contest is initiated by 'Nationale Postcode Loterij' at the crossmedia-event PICNIC. Creative participants are asked to work out the best concrete contributions to climate change. In 2008, / StarrportCorp participated again. At latest on 9th September, the up to five finalists will be named out of the 235 entries this year.

In 2007, we took part in the € 500.000,= Challenge with 430 others (not including 80 that submitted their contribution too late). We did not score as one of the five finalists presented on Friday September 28th. Nice detail is that one of the co-founders of Picnic, Marleen Stikker, was a former office neighbour of Freed...

klm-dome klm-clouds

On Thursday 27th Sep, Freed and Emile visited the Event which was organised on the site of the former Westergasfabriek. In addition to the conference hall, several other challenge spots had our interest. We visited the KLM dome, and Freed took part in a 'Sustainable KLM Future' workshop and could promote our Starrport contribution for the Green Challenge. Freed was the lucky one who won a trip to New York. In the same time Emile did a 15 minutes live TV-interview about Starrport on Amsterdam Salto A1, A2, AT5, and Skype-TV. At the KLM dome, Freed and Emile met later with Air France KLM Vice President Business Innovation, Dirk Kronemeijer, and made with him an appointment to meet with the President, Maarten …, who is already a ‘Lynne MacTaggart Dinner’ friend of Emile.

At Freed’s office, we prepared a Starrport Update e-mail to the ICAO participants in Montreal – 300 country reps conferencing about green airports. Later on Thursday, we received email invitations for both the Green Challenge ‘The Deciding Round’ at Sept. 28, and ‘The Award Ceremony’on Sept. 29.

srb sbr

Freed and Emile went together with Chris Leather, to the Award Ceremony and handed out before the opening Starrport info to Eckart Wintzen, Picnic green Challenge Preliminary Jury Member and founder of Ex’tent Green Venture Capital. Just after the Ceremony Emile was able to deliver to Sir Richard Branson, Jury and Chairman of The Virgin Group, a personal Starrport info envelop, which he accepted with a big smile. Richard held a half-hour presentation about his activities and green developments, before he announced the winner. Winner of the Challenge became Igor Kluin with the Qbox, an in-home energy consumption measurement and switchbox. See also

Other fine contacts we made were:

  1. Ingrid Zeegers, Director Sustainable Business Development Philips Int. B.V, promoter of the VPRO-movie ‘Cradle to Cradle';
  2. Marc van der Chijs, Co-Founder of web-TV market leader in China;
  3. Frank Heckman, Embassies of the Earth – Richard Branson accepted an Ambassadorship.

For other official reports, see Picnic Network, and Postcode Loterij (in Dutch). We experienced the participation as great fun and as extremely valuable. We consider to take part in the VIRGIN EARTH CHALLENGE as well (winner not yet known) and plan to submit to the Business Challenge.


Starrport application - Starrport Corp participated in the PICNIC Green Challenge - this was our application form for 2007... click to open the .doc.

Green Seat Starrports

We wish to arrange a Green Seat contract for travelers that want to compensate their actual emissions and want to benefit a Starrport implementation.

BAA and us

Barclays plc
Lloyds TSB Group plc
Legal and General Investment Management Ltd
Prudential plc